Army battalion in Tamoenye area of northern Shan State faces drop bomb attacks


The army battalion based in northern Shan State was being attacked by more than 100 bombs and actions are being taken to prevent drone attacks, said Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun, spokesman for the State Administration Council (SAC).

"As for the situation of the encounter today, there is an attack on the Shin Goathtan army camp in Laukkai in the northeast of Shan State. After that, the No.190 Infantry Regiment in Tamoenye was under attack. At Tamoenye, there have been attacks by drones and drop bombs since the morning. The officers, soldiers and their family members in Tamoenye are aggressively resisting and attacking back," Major General Zaw Min Tun said.

In the above process, the heads of state and heads of the Tatmadaw especially recognized the officers, soldiers and their family members who were resisting and attacking with love for the country and Tatmadaw, he said.

Major General Zaw Min Tun said, "In the northeast of Shan State, some army camps in North-East Command are being attacked repeatedly with drones and drop bombs. Some of the camps had to be reunited as a matter of military strategy. According to these changing military tactics, we are working to prevent attacks using drones as soon as possible."

Major General Zaw Min Tun said that Tron Ai army camp was repeatedly attacked in the North-West Command, but due to strong defences, the enemy retreated with many casualties.

“The enemy retreated with heavy losses due to the strong resistance of the Tron Ai army camp. Nearby we are conducting the operation. The army base is an important security station in the communication route between India and Myanmar for the development of the Rakhine region. I would like to say that the AA is destroying the development of the Rakhine region, which is supposed to improve the Rakhine people as a whole," Major General Zaw Min Tun said.

Major General Zaw Min Tun said that on November 15, there was an attack on the Loikaw Prison in Loikaw, Kayah State and a skirmish took place near the state police commander's office and the enemy retreated.

Major General Zaw Min Tun said, "Yesterday, there were pictures of an employee of Loikaw University being attacked and killed by terrorists. Then the numbers that we were able to rescue an educational building which was being attacked as a military target. Here, because of the all-round opposition of the entire public and various organizations, they are making propaganda this morning as if they are the only ones to save them. It is an effective propaganda. No one will accept any kind of damage to buildings related to education, health and business sectors."

It has been repeatedly announced that the above activities are being led by the NUG, raiding some towns and destroying public buildings, constructing bunkers and trenches in health and education buildings, digging communication canals and building military camps. It is important for international organizations that are watching from home and abroad to know the facts to comprehensively oppose these issues, Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun said.

"What I want to say here is that the support of the entire public is important. The Tatmadaw has had to sacrifice its life and blood throughout the ages to build the nation. After independence in 1948, the entire country was under the control of insurgents. Even if only a patch of Yangon remains, the Insein area in Yangon is in the hands of KNDO. From this situation, the Tatmadaw had to rebuild the entire country," Major General Zaw Min Tun said.

At present, the public is holding to show support to Tatmadaw, military personnel, police and security forces in more than 30 towns across the country. Donations are being given to soldiers on the front lines and security organizations that are working on security Maj. Gen. Zaw Min Tun said.

Eleven Media

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