Last month, heartbreaking footage emerged of a “skeletal” baby elephant being forced to dance to music, play musical instruments, and perform tricks at the zoo.
Moving Animals, the campaigners who filmed the footage, nicknamed him “Dumbo” and started a petition calling for his release to a nearby sanctuary.
People around the world were outraged at “Dumbo’s” suffering and signed the petition that collected more than 200,000 signatures in under three weeks.
However, Moving Animals has revealed that “Dumbo” has died.
The campaigners said that “Dumbo” had an infection in his digestive tract and he became so weak that his legs snapped beneath him. The zoo did not realise the animal's legs were broken for three days before taking it to the elephant hospital.
Amy, the co-founder of Moving Animals, said: “This is a tragic and horrific end to Dumbo’s heartbreakingly-short life.
“His skeletal body clearly suggested that he was unwell and could be suffering from malnourishment and exhaustion. And yet the zoo did nothing until receiving international criticism.
“Under their care, this baby elephant broke both of his back legs, and the zoo did not even realise it for three days. I can’t bring myself to imagine Dumbo’s suffering during this time.
“For Dumbo to die whilst under the so-called care and treatment of the zoo shows just how neglected these animals are in captivity.”