Firms urged to adopt ‘Trust’ mark


TO SERVE the global trend on environmental, human rights and social responsibility, the International Trade Promotion Department will encourage Thai enterprises to adopt “Thailand Trust Mark” (TTM) to make local products better accepted in world markets.

Malee Choklumlerd, director-general to the department, said that the government would encourage goods manufacturers and services providers to apply for the TTM certification from the department to guarantee quality products and service from Thailand.
“So far, about 700 Thai goods and services enterprises as well |as exporters have got the TTM certification. This helps them increase their reliability in the world market as quality products and services,” she said.
TTM is a certified trademark created by the Commerce Ministry.
The department said products and services with the trademark were guaranteed to be in line with international standards regarding environmental, human rights, and social responsibility.
Malee said that with global concern for environmental, human rights, and social responsibility, the TTM helped importers and consumers trust Thai goods and services.
The TTM will improve the image of Thai products and |services in the global market, she said. 
She said when an enterprise applied for TTM certification, the department sent a team to inspect their production process to ensure a high standard of production.
They also inspected the company’s human rights, environment, and social responsibility standard.
To promote the TTM trademark, the department will advertise the trademark domestically and internationally to reflect Thailand’s image. 
For instance, the department will promote the trademark via CNN online.
The targeted markets are the United States, the European Union, Japan, China, and Asean.
The government will also promote TTM locally so Thais will trust the certification and realised the importance of it.
Currently, 690 Thai products and services have TTM certification. 
They consist of 241 heavy industry enterprises, 175 lifestyle firms, 120 fashion companies, seven healthcare services, six medical service firms, five international education providers, and 81 others.