E-cigarettes not the answer in battle against smoking, warn agencies


The Pharmaceutical Association of Thailand and other related agencies on Sunday voiced opposition to the government’s plan to make e-cigarettes legal.

In a statement, the agencies pointed out that smoke from e-cigarettes contains up to 56 chemicals, 29 of which exceed safety levels.

“Also, some chemicals produced by an e-cigarette are not found in ordinary tobacco cigarettes and may affect people’s health. This will increase the country’s public health burden,” the statement said.

It also pointed out that e-cigarettes are not the only alternative to quitting smoking, smokers who want to quit can also rely on medical treatment, over-the-counter drugs and counselling.

“Research shows that e-cigarettes do not help people stop smoking, and can become another addiction,” the statement said.

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Also, it said, advertising e-cigarettes may encourage youngsters to smoke and may even spread Covid-19 further.

“The Medical Association of Thailand and other related agencies had voiced opposition to an earlier plan to promote e-cigarettes as well,” the statement pointed out.