Safety instructions for public, event organisers for New Year celebrations


The Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration has come out with safety instructions aimed at event organisers and the public for New Year festivities that draw 1,000 attendees or more:

1. Improve Covid-Free Setting:
• Organisers, staff, singers and musicians must be vaccinated according to the criteria.
• Organisers, staff, singers and musicians must be tested with antigen kits not more than 72 hours before events.
• Everyone must follow the UP-DMHTA measure (universal prevention – distancing, mask wearing, regular hand washing, temperature checks and testing, and using the Thai Chana and Thai Save Thai applications).

2. Improve Covid-Free Setting for audiences:
• Attendees must register and present their vaccination certificates or antigen test results within 72 hours except for children under 12 years old.
• Must follow UP-DMHTA measures.

3. Improve Covid-Free Environment
• Events must be held in open spaces with strict entry regulations.
• Tickets should be sold in advance with a queue system.
• The number of attendees must be limited to one person per four square metres and a sign must show the number of the audience.
• Dancing or carrying out activities together should be prohibited.
• Contact points must be cleaned every 1-2 hours.
• The audience should be kept at least five metres away from the stage.

Furthermore, event organisers must strictly follow the measures by registering and carrying out evaluations via the Thai Stop Covid 2Plus (TSC 2+) platform.


Safety instructions for public, event organisers for New Year celebrations Safety instructions for public, event organisers for New Year celebrations Safety instructions for public, event organisers for New Year celebrations