Thai fresh mango exports surge 15 per cent in first two months of 2022

FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022

Thailand’s exports of fresh mangoes increased by US$11 million (THB363 million) in the first two months of this year, a 15 per cent jump from the same period last year.

Malaysia imported as much as 46 per cent of the mangoes, followed by South Korea (34 per cent), Japan (8 per cent), Myanmar (4 per cent), and Vietnam (2 per cent).

These countries are among Thailand’s 18 partners with whom it has bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) — 10 member nations of Asean, China and Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, India, Chile, and Peru.

They represent 98 per cent of Thailand’s export markets for fresh mangoes, according to Department of Trade Negotiations director-general Auramon Supthaweethum.

She said that Thai mangoes have been popular in those markets due to their good quality, sweet taste and beautiful appearance. Also, Thai fresh mangos are available all year round in multiple varieties, she added.

Thai fresh mango exports surge 15 per cent in first two months of 2022

Last year, Thailand exported $93 million (3.1 billion baht) worth of fresh mangoes to its FTA partner countries, a 53 per cent increase year on year, Auramon said.

Thailand is the world's seventh largest exporter of fresh mangoes.

Among the Thai mango varieties popular in those markets are Nam Dokmai, Maha Chanok, Khiew Savoey, and Chok Anan.

Fifteen of those countries waive import tax on Thai fresh mangoes, and only three still levy the tax — 5 per cent by Laos and Cambodia, and 24 per cent by South Korea, according to the official.

She said that the market for processed fruits is also expanding for such products as dried and frozen mango, as well as ready-to-eat mango sticky rice. Such products are free from import tax in 16 FTA markets.

“Thai business operators should improve and increase the formats of their products for export, in order to add more value and expand the market,” Auramon said.

She suggested that the development of product quality should start from the planting process to packaging. No chemicals and pesticides should be used to make their products organic and exportable to countries that are strict with the matter.