Unlocking E-commerce growth in Thailand: How SMS Marketing is driving business success


Thailand’s E-commerce growth would certainly be unprecedented and SMS marketing is one of the partner factors enabling success on top of that. By 2025, this upward slop is expected to become even larger, with projections estimating it to hit 750 billion baht as reported by the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA).

Implementing SMS marketing strategies in the Thai market has already proven successful. As of the DataReportal study in 2024, the final average open rate of SMS digital marketing channels within the first 3 minutes reached 98%, indicating the high rocketed performance of SMS channels.

Unlocking E-commerce growth in Thailand: How SMS Marketing is driving business success

With an extensive range of channel capabilities, sms text messages enable companies to pass on personalized deals and information that resonate with them quickly to end-users. In a more macroeconomic glimpse at the Thailand scene play, e-commerce remains a bright spot. With a 20% per year growth in Thailand’s digital economy, 74% of all e-commerce transactions in the country will be mobile commerce in the upcoming 10 years, NESDC reported.  

Strategies implemented in SMS marketing are known to be effective in the Thai market. With the increase in e-commerce sales, businesses have stepped towards SMS-based marketing along with SMS2PRO, a leading SMS marketing solution that boosts client engagement while increasing conversion speed. “We believe that SMS marketing is the future. By integrating with AI and revolutionary technologies, only skyrocketing profit will be seen” said Sakolwit Mungkhampha, Managing Director of SMS2PRO.

Unlocking E-commerce growth in Thailand: How SMS Marketing is driving business success

By changing the face of E-commerce transactions with the growth of e-commerce sales, innovative entrepreneurs are taking their stock and devising an SMS-based marketing approach via SMS2PRO, a world-class SMS marketing software that steps up customer contact whilst fast-tracking sales conversion. 

“We have 90% penetration of mobile phones including both rural and urban sectors,” Sakolwit said. This ensures a high mobile adoption so the opportunities for sending out SMS marketing campaigns to a vast audience are immense. The incessant upward trend of Thailand’s e-commerce scene indicates that SMS marketing is increasingly integrated for driving growth and customer engagement.