The safety of sovereignty


Only days before Donald Trump’s inauguration, Vice President of the USA, Joe Biden, speaking in Davos, accused Vladimir Putin of “whittling away at the European Order” and undermining “western democracies”.

But that is exactly what the European Union and the Obama administration have done to sovereign states. It is the very reason the UK voted to leave the EU and America voted for Trump. 
The UK lost its sovereignty, control of its borders and its right to self-government as an EU member. Iraq, Libya and Syria have suffered equally as a result of US interference. 
In the same speech Mr Biden asserted that, “sovereign states must be free to choose their alliances” while at the same time condemning the UK for Brexit. His main point was that the “progressive democratic world order is at risk of collapse”. Exactly, people don’t want their national identity and culture to be obliterated by absorption into political blocs, like the EU, that masquerade as free-trade areas. They will not accept unelected, anti-democratic federal groups that surreptitiously morph into a “progressive democratic world order”. 
Under new leadership, both the UK and the USA oppose this new world order as it’s certainly not “progressive”. They value their right to democratic self-governance within their individual sovereign nation states. Individual states are free to trade directly with other states by mutual arrangement, without loss of sovereignty. That is true free trade. 
So-called free trade areas like the EU, TPP, and TTIP are anything but.Across the West, the political left-wing remains in a state of shocked confusion since June 23 and November 8, 2016. January 20, 2017 has left them stunned, but it’s time to face reality and value the sovereignty of nation states protecting them from the “progressive democratic world order”.
JC Wilcox