THURSDAY, April 25, 2024

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas

How much does a dream cost? For children living in remote areas, turning their dream into reality can cost just 600 baht in the forms of scholarships, life skill and vocational trainings, and creation of safe food sources, which are achieved through working with partner networks nationwide.

The Community Children Foundation (CCF) under the Royal patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Chakri Sirindhorn has been helping underprivileged children in Thailand for more than 64 years. It has educated more than 42,000 children in remote areas and among hill tribes in 34 provinces in the country to ensure they have better lives and good career opportunities.

CCF staff members and volunteers from local communities go door to door in remote areas to listen to their problems and obstacles, especially those stemming from the economic disparity that has resulted in limited education and limited career options.

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas

All parents want their children to have a better future than them, but for many, it is nearly impossible to earn enough to ensure proper, continued education for their children. This is where CCF comes in.

CCF’s Phor Rak (Planting Love) project has set the criteria for children to receive suitable aid under the foundation’s standards and assigns staffs or volunteers to work with these children by giving necessary guidance.

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas

Your donation of 600 baht per month will be managed transparently to ensure the child under your patronage gets the greatest benefit. Part of the fund will be put towards an annual educational scholarship to strengthen their knowledge, while the rest will be used in programs to ensure a sustainable supply of safe and nutritional foods for the rest of the family. For instance, raising chickens for eggs and growing mushrooms and vegetables will ensure that families have food all year long. The oversupply can also be sold for extra income, especially during the offseason.

CCF’s programs aim to teach children to adapt to the new normal, in which their daily habits need to be adjusted to keep themselves and family members safe from new diseases, thus promoting healthy lifestyles within the community, which is crucial in building an environment suitable for children’s learning and development.

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas

CCF is also committed to providing career training to families in remote areas so they can make the fullest use of the internet and online platforms as earning opportunities. This will also help expand the markets for products manufactured within the community and improve overall economic stability.

All of CCF’s expenditures both within the foundation and those made with external parties are fully traceable and verifiable. The foundation has also been coordinating with community committees and local authorities to ensure efficient and cautious usage of the fund as much as possible.

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas

If you also believe in the importance of education in creating a better career opportunity, please make a donation to Community Children Foundation and let us make a difference together. A small contribution of just 600 baht per month can change the life of a child forever. The donation to CCF is also tax detectable.

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas

For more information, call (02) 747 2600, visit or scan the QR Code below

CCF builds dreams and bright futures in remote areas
