WEDNESDAY, April 24, 2024

You can prolong “Rod May’s” hopes and dreams by raising funds for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) patients

You can prolong “Rod May’s” hopes and dreams by raising funds for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) patients

Panita “Rod May” Chawaphatarathanakul was born with a rare genetic condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy or SMA. The disease results in progressive decline of motor, causing difficulties in movement, swallowing and breathing. She requires 24-hour physical care from her parents.

In severe or moderate cases, patients with SMA have to rely on medical equipment, e.g. walking support, wheelchair, respirators, as well as multi-disciplinary medical experts and continual treatment.

Despite physical limitations, Rod May’s intelligence level is no difference to that of normal person. Rod May in her early 30s is currently pursuing a PhD in Basic and Applied Social Psychology with a scholarship. She is committed to helping society, and inspires patients and individuals to live happily.

You can prolong “Rod May’s” hopes and dreams by raising funds for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) patients

Palliative care is chosen as the current treatment for her, as she is yet unable to access to the new medication which boosts SMN protein production, restoring muscles and respiratory system. It has been clinically proven to help better patients’ quality of lives and reduce mortality rate. Thus, fund-raising is a way in which we can support Rod May enhancing access to the treatment, so she can prolong her life which means she can further help and inspire the society.

Donate to support Rod May’s treatment access at:
