The leader of the Information Team of the State Administration Council (SAC) informed the media last night that communication with these senior military officers had been disrupted, and some were detained.
“The regiments under the supervision of the Northeast Command Headquarters defended valiantly against the enemy’s attacks. The soldiers fought bravely and fiercely. With female family members, children, and civilians at the regiments, we had to address the shootings. Some policewomen fought tirelessly alongside the soldiers. Tragically, policewomen and dependent family members of soldiers died in the attacks. Senior military officers from the Northeast Command Headquarters closely commanded the fighting and engaged the enemies themselves. We were in contact with these officers until 6:30 PM on August 3, but communication has been interrupted since then. Initial reports indicate that insurgents captured some senior military officers. We greatly appreciate the bravery of senior military officers, other ranks, and policewomen who defended their headquarters, Lashio area, military, and country. We will continue to do our best for our nation and people with full comradeship towards the soldiers,” said Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, SAC’s spokesperson.
The MNDAA and its allied forces broke the ceasefire agreement and began attacking Lashio City on July 3. Since then, the MNDAA has targeted civilian areas using hundreds of homemade launchers and bombs delivered via drones, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilians.
Additionally, the military discovered that MNDAA soldiers used narcotic drugs during the fighting. On August 2, the MNDAA attacked the military hospital near the Northeast Command Headquarters, killing some patients and capturing others, according to SAC spokespersons.
On the afternoon of August 3, the MNDAA released photos showing the capture of the Northeast Command in Lashio, widely reported in exile media. Photos circulated on social media yesterday evening allegedly show former commander Maj-Gen Soe Tint, Operation Control Command Commander Brig-Gen Myo Min Htwe, and Brig-Gen Thant Htin Soe, Chief of Staff of the Northeast Command Headquarters, among those arrested, according to unconfirmed reports.
On October 27, 2023, the three northern brotherhood alliances launched a military campaign called Operation 1027, and there were large and small battles that took place in northern Shan State. After China urged both sides to maintain peace and stability in the border region and hold a cease-fire as soon as possible to meet, through their intervention, the delegation of the State Administration Council and the three northern allies held talks and agreed to a cease-fire in January 2024, and took control of the cities they had captured.
Then, at the end of June 2024, after the start of the second phase of Operation 1027, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) attacked Mogok, Nawnghkio and Hsipaw areas and the MDY PDF, which cooperated with the TNLA, carried out attacks on security posts in Madaya-Singku, and on July 3, MNDAA and its allies began attacking military bases around Lashio, where the Northeast Command is located.
In carrying out such attacks, the MNDAA and its allies continued to fire homemade rockets into the city of Lashio. After the explosion of the homemade rockets in the residential areas caused the deaths of civilians, the residents of Lashio City fled to safe areas, and about 90 per cent of the residents of Lashio City had to flee the war.
Fighting continued daily around Lashio and after the military bombarded the MNDAA-controlled city of Laukkai in the early morning hours of July 14, the MNDAA announced a one-sided ceasefire from July 14 to 18 out of respect and honour for the four-day meeting of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.
Although the ceasefire was announced, the MNDAA continued to fire homemade rockets into Lashio City and continued to attack the Tatmadaw's battalions. The Tatmadaw also carried out a bombing attack in the city of Hsenwi controlled by the MNDAA, and the MNDAA announced a one-sided ceasefire from July 19 to 31 that it would actively respond to China's demand for an immediate cease-fire and an end the hostilities.
Although the MNDAA announced a cease-fire, on the other hand, they launched heavy attacks on the military bases in Lashio until August 3, and now it has been announced that they have captured the Northeast Command.
Eleven Media
Asia News Network