New project launched to study Lao-Thai water storage management


A new project, designed to study inclusive water storage management in Laos and Thailand, has been launched.

The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and its partners on Wednesday held a meeting to launch the Australia-funded project titled ‘Solutions and opportunities in managing water storage to reduce transboundary water-related disaster risks and to address multiple water demands’ (SOS).

A lecturer from the Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Laos, Phoummixay Siharath, who will be involved in the joint academic research project, said effective water storage management and cross-border cooperation could address flooding and drought in Laos and Thailand.

“There are a large number of water storage but we need to carry out studies to determine the best approach to managing and sustaining water storage to prevent flooding and drought in Laos,” he said after the opening ceremony of the project in Sakon Nakhon, Thailand.

New project launched to study Lao-Thai water storage management

The results of the study will be made available next year, with the expectation that the findings will lead to better policies and practices in water storage management, he added.

Thanapon Piman from SEI said it was important to identify pathways for enhancing the benefits of natural water storage such as wetlands and floodplains, and optimum management between grey and green storages to meet the multiple demands of communities in the Mekong basin.

The meeting brought together diverse groups of stakeholders from Laos and Thailand, including policymakers, government officials, researchers, local community representatives, civil society organisations, and media representatives.

Engagement of a wide range of stakeholders is important to ensure that the voices of local communities and grassroots people are heard and taken into account during policy formulation and decision-making processes.

According to the event organiser, the project targets the development of inclusive and sustainable water storage solutions in Thailand and Laos.

The initiative seeks to optimise disaster risk reduction while enhancing the water, energy and food security of vulnerable communities. Additionally, it aims to foster transboundary cooperation and governance, aligning with both regional and national policy processes.

The kick-off meeting served as a platform to introduce the SOS project, gather insights into regional and community needs, and discuss priorities for managing water storage systems.

A key focus will be on promoting gender equality and inclusivity within water storage management practices.

Laos and Thailand share rivers and any changes involving them. The meeting is viewed as a platform to foster cross-border cooperation and knowledge-sharing in the management of rivers and other water resources.

The Vientiane Times

Asia News Network