Udon Thani sugarcane farmers respond to burn ban with protest threat


Thousands of farmers gather outside the Thai Sugar Udon Thani mill to demand the purchase of their crops after the mill exceeds its 25% limit on charred sugarcane

Farmers in Udon Thani province are threatening to take to the streets if their sugarcane harvest ends up rotting because the government has banned the Northeast province’s largest sugar mill from purchasing their crops.

A large group of farmers has been camping outside the Thai Sugar Udon Thani mill since Wednesday, demanding that their harvest – stored in some 2,000 trucks – be bought up. The group showed up at the mill after learning that the Industry Ministry had ordered the company to stop purchasing any more charred sugarcane.

The mill had reportedly exceeded its 25% mandatory limit by purchasing over 410,000 tonnes of burned sugarcane. This accounted for 43% of its total procurement for the season and would have resulted from the burning of 41,000 rai (approximately 6,560) of farmland.

Udon Thani sugarcane farmers respond to burn ban with protest threat

Thirachai Saenkaew, president of the Northeastern Sugarcane Farmers Association, said on Friday that the farmers hope the mill will buy up the rest of the crop, otherwise the farmers would resort to staging a protest. Thirachai, who is also an MP of the ruling Pheu Thai Party, indicated that the farmers could resort to using their trucks to block roads.

He added that the mill has written to the Department of Industrial Works to resolve this issue.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra recently instructed the Cabinet to ensure this year’s PM2.5 pollution is lower than last year.

PM2.5, or dust particles measuring less than 2.5 micrometres in diameter, can be inhaled deep into the lungs, passing into the bloodstream and lodging in other organs. It has been linked to premature death and is risky for people with chronic heart or lung disease.

In response to the PM’s edict, the Industry Ministry issued a ban on the purchase of burned agricultural products, namely sugarcane and corn. The PM, meanwhile, has instructed both the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry and the Agriculture and Cooperatives Ministry to provide alternative solutions to the farmers.

Udon Thani sugarcane farmers respond to burn ban with protest threat