Caretaker Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit said on Tuesday that the ministry planned to develop many airports, such as new passenger terminals at Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang airports in Bangkok, as well as the construction of the Lanna International Airport in Chiang Mai.
“These airport developments would enable Thailand to accommodate more passengers and travellers,” he said, adding that the move was also in line with the Thai government’s policy to increase the number of foreign arrivals.
He said it would be necessary to seek ODA from the Japanese government to boost the potential of Thai airports in the future.
Suriya added that Thailand was accelerating the development of subways and dual-track trains to shift the country’s transportation from road to rail.
“Japan’s support was needed in terms of knowhow and funding to ensure a smooth transition,” he said.
He added that Japan had supported the development of many Thai rail transport projects, such as Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal Station, MRT Blue and Purple lines.
Suriya noted that Thailand had received ODA via the Japan International Cooperation Agency over the past 70 years since the first assistance in 1954.
“The Transport Ministry would like to thank the Japanese government for assistance so far, especially on projects related to transport infrastructure,” he said, adding that Japan’s support helped boost Thailand’s potential to become a transport hub in ASEAN.