Cute pandas to welcome THAI passengers during Chinese New Year


Furry toys to greet THAI passengers as they board their flights in a nod to the Lunar New Year

From now until February 23, passengers travelling on Thai Airways International (THAI) will be welcomed on board their flights by a troop of cute pandas to mark the Chinese New Year festival, which starts next Wednesday.

Cute pandas to welcome THAI passengers during Chinese New Year

The campaign aims to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Thailand and China this year, Chai Eamsiri, chief executive of the national flag carrier, said on Thursday.

Cute pandas to welcome THAI passengers during Chinese New Year

He added that more than 3,000 plush toy pandas will be greeting passengers on board during the campaign, creating a cute and memorable image while reinforcing the strong relationship between Thailand and China.

Cute pandas to welcome THAI passengers during Chinese New Year

THAI is organising the celebratory campaign in collaboration with The Mall Group, which will hold events at Benchasiri Park and EM District shopping malls in Bangkok, also until February 23.

Visitors to the venues will be treated to Chinese dragon and lion dance shows as well as decorative lanterns to mark the Chinese New Year festival.