Digital future of ASEAN takes shape at Bangkok meeting


Delegates forge cooperation aimed at fostering a secure and sustainable digital economy and society


Thailand is taking the lead in driving ASEAN’s digital future, with focus on cybersecurity to address the issue of online fraud at the 5th ASEAN Digital Ministerial Meeting.


The meeting took place on January 16-17 in Bangkok, and was chaired by Minister of Digital Economy and Society, Prasert Chantararuangthong. 


Representatives from ASEAN member states and dialogue partners attended the event.


Prasert Chantararuangthong


Prasert, who is also a deputy prime minister, highlighted the meeting's significance as a crucial platform for strengthening digital cooperation within the ASEAN region, with the aim of fostering a secure and sustainable digital economy and society. 


          Key discussions and endorsements included:

Combating online scams: The meeting endorsed the ASEAN Online Scam Survey Report (2023-2024) and its recommendations as a framework for national and regional action. 


It stressed the need for cross-sector collaboration to combat online scams effectively, particularly those originating from border countries, such as phone scams and social media-based financial fraud. These scams often involve perpetrators operating from neighbouring countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, and Laos. 


Digital future of ASEAN takes shape at Bangkok meeting


The meeting emphasised the importance of sharing information between countries and capacity building for officials in border regions. Furthermore, member states proposed the development of a joint early warning system to mitigate the impact of scams across the region.




Cybersecurity: The establishment of the ASEAN CERT in Singapore was acknowledged, and the ASEAN Checklist on Cyberspace Norms was approved to establish cybersecurity standards within the region. 


This aims to mitigate the risks posed by cyberattacks that can have a significant impact on the economy and public safety. Support was also expressed for the establishment of coordination units to enable prompt responses to cyber incidents.


Digital economy: The delegates backed the development of the ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement to accelerate digital transformation and enhance cooperation in cybersecurity and online scam prevention. 


Digital future of ASEAN takes shape at Bangkok meeting


The meeting explored avenues to promote investment in digital startups and related technologies to stimulate economic growth within the region.


Data governance and artificial intelligence (AI): The Global CBPR Action Plan and AI governance documents, including those pertaining to Generative AI, were approved to promote responsible AI development within the region, with a focus on transparency and personal data protection. 


Efforts will also be undertaken to drive research and development of AI innovations that address the specific needs of the regional population.


5G and Connectivity: Discussions were held on reducing cross-border service fees. 


The meeting highlighted the importance of SIM card regulation to prevent cross-border scams, a matter of particular concern to many countries in the region, especially those with frequent cross-border movement, such as Thailand-Cambodia and Thailand-Myanmar, where unregistered SIM cards are often used.




Digital future of ASEAN takes shape at Bangkok meeting


The Bangkok Digital Declaration was approved to guide ASEAN's digital future, with a focus on security, seamless connectivity, and inclusivity. Emphasis was placed on expanding access to digital technology in rural and remote areas to ensure equitable digital opportunities for all segments of the population.


The meeting also included discussions with dialogue partners, including China, Japan, South Korea, India, the United States, and the International Telecommunication Union, with the aim of promoting digital standards and cooperation in areas such as human resource development and digital infrastructure. 


Digital future of ASEAN takes shape at Bangkok meeting


Prasert added that memorandums of understanding were signed between Thailand and Cambodia, and Thailand and the Philippines, to foster regional digital cooperation, focusing on key areas such as digital workforce development, e-government governance, and the prevention and combat of online scams.


  • The Thailand-Cambodia agreement aims to strengthen bilateral relations and develop collaboration in areas such as digital platform services, digital government products and services, digital transformation, access to digital technology, digital workforce development, online safety, and digital scam prevention.
  • The Thailand-Philippines MoU aims to foster mutually beneficial and understanding relations, encouraging investment in digital infrastructure, e-government governance (eg, digital government strategies and AI utilisation), digital identity verification systems, and the development of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, IoT, and big data. It also emphasises the promotion of cybersecurity through knowledge exchange, expertise sharing, and joint training.


The next meeting will be held in Vietnam in 2026.